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Foothills Chapter Hosts USEF "R" Program at Clay Station

I am proud to report that Foothills chapter hosted a USEF R program at Clay Station Ranch in November. Of course, it takes a village, and Foothills members could not have done it without the support and cooperation from Connie Davenport, Michele Vaughn, and Jaki Hardy.

Judge education programs are a lot of work to organize and run smoothly. In fact, USEF had their doubts that the show would have enough entries.

Marianne Ludwig told me the program was approved because we have a reputation for hosting successful programs. We had Erika Reinig waiting in the wings ready to saddle up and ride Third Level Test 3 if we needed another test for the candidates, but fortunately we had enough. We did not have any Fourth Level Test 3s to judge so the candidates used the Prix St. George test instead. For those of you who came to watch Jennette Scanlon compete, you were disappointed because she had been demo riding both Thursday and Friday and her horses earned a break.

Maureen Lamb not only made us feel welcomed at Clay Station Ranch, she also cheerfully saddled up and was a demo rider, along with Sandy Savage, Barbara Fleming, Jennette Scanlon, and Jaki Hardy. Jennette and Jaki were reunited with two other participants from the 2013 Foothills Chapter Instructor Certification Program, Ana Gilmour and Patrice Palmaer, who pitched in to help with hospitality, set-up and audiovisual support. Both the faculty, Jayne Ayres and Axel Steiner, and the judge candidates were impressed with the quality, enthusiasm, and generosity of our demo riders. The usual Foothills suspects and board members Nina Clark and Christine Hendricks showed up to scribe and bring copies of blank tests. Foothills members Jenny Savakus, Joann Baum and Kathy Cain became a well oiled machine to get the tests scored and sorted efficiently. Scribes came from as far away as Chico to help the candidates.

Once again, CDS can be proud of their members’ support for these programs and for training the next generation of judges from all over the country. Thank you.


Mounted, Patrice Palmaer

Standing left to right: Axel Steiner, Jayne Ayres, Jodi Ely (MN), Lori Barnard (VT), Cindi Wylie (MA), Amy Gimbel (NJ)

Seated left to right: Brian MacMahon (FL), Lisa Tannehill(SC), Kathy Pavlich (CA), Katy Barglow (CA), Teresa Stewart (WA), Gwen Ka’awaloa (CO)

California Dressage Society Foothills Chapter 

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