Links to sign up for the L program
L Program Auditors
Information and Schedule Session C
April 2-3
Session C Outline
Purchase your tickets and sign up here
Session C:
Foothills Chapter
"L" Education Program
Part 1
December 18 and 19, 2021
February 19 and 20, 2022
April 2 and 3, 2022
The cost to participate in all three sessions will be $1000.
Limited to 30 participants.
The cost to audit will be $100/session.
Developed by the USDF Judges’ Committee, this educational training program teaches judges to evaluate the correct training of dressage horses.
The L Education Program is designed with several goals in mind:
Provide trainers, instructors, competitors and spectators' insight into the evaluative techniques of judging dressage.
Prepare and evaluate candidates who wish to pursue entry into the USEF 'r' Judge Training Program.
Provide continuing education for licensed judges and L graduates.
This educational training program features selected faculty of experienced, United States Equestrian Federation recognized “S” judges.
The Program is divided into two parts; each part is made up of three sessions: (Foothills Chapter is hosting Part 1)
Part 1- “A Judge’s Perspective” is open to all USDF Members; this is the educational foundation of the program.
Session A is an introduction to judging and biomechanics. View Video
Session B is about judging criteria for gaits & paces, movements & figures. View Video
Session C is about collective marks, equitation, rider biomechanics and basics.
For More Information on both Part 1, Part 2, and Material go to