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Barbara Fleming

AA Rider

Barbara Fleming – 14 yr old Friesian-Arab mare: Samirah D

Barbara is a dedicated dressage rider who has contributed to the sport of dressage in numerous ways. She has been training with Ana Gilmour for nine years. She acquired Sami, who is trained to Prix St. Georges, almost 2 years ago. Barbara’s goal is to earn her USDF Silver medal, toward which she has one score. Barbara is working to improve her timing in the flying changes and ensuring more sit in the pirouettes

Recent test collective comments Take more time preparing pirouettes for control and confidence. Some problems with tempis. Horse and rider well suited.

Challenges and evasions If asked correctly, Sami does not evade. She can sometimes be overly enthusiastic, but never naughty. The mare has a strong desire to do what is asked of her.


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