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CDS Foothills Chapter Rocks!

As the Junior/ Young Rider Volunteer Coordinator, I immediately began working on different fundraising activities. Even though I have arranged fundraising activities before, I was a little nervous as there is always so much to do when coordinating events to raise monies for our chapter’s youth scholarship fund. Even though there is always so much to do, I try to remind myself to take the time to reflect on each experience, and its most memorable moments. A moment that stands out from my experience at the Youth BBQ and Complimentary Clinic happened as I was collecting the names, phone numbers and emails of our young riders. I didn’t yet know the youth from our chapter so I wanted to make sure that I collected the information before the event was over. During this process, I remember glancing over at my daughter, who was so happy to meet other youth riders. I also remember a moment at the O’Carroll Adult Amateur Clinic. I was so happy to see youth and young riders show up to help me serve lunch. And then there was the recent Smashburger Fundraiser Event. I enjoyed listening to Savannah and Jouelle inform the public about what Dressage is while at the same time reminding patrons to say “fundraiser” when ordering. I also fondly recall both Savannah and Jouelle talking non-stop about their Dressage dreams and aspirations. I also will never forget Savannah’s retelling of her horse Zahra’s story, and how she is nursing her back to health so she can work with Zahra again. Coordinating with our youth and receiving support from Mari Naten, Christine Hendricks, Kim Foss and Christi West has made this journey with CDS Foothills Chapter worthwhile. So, yes, I do believe our chapter rocks, and I am looking forward to more fundraising activities to reflect on.

California Dressage Society Foothills Chapter 

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